The Missionary Set Sail

Welcome to the Blog set up for Emily McRae! Emily's serving the Lord in the Washington, Tacoma mission. She set sail to the Missionary Training Center February 24th 2010. She will be in the Tacoma area for 18 months. This blog is updated and maintianed by one Molly McRae. The blog should display letters and photos of Emily while she is serving the Lord along with a quick update about transfers and mission companions. Hopefully the blog can keep you tied over until Emily is back to entertain once more.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Six Months Under the Belt!

I have been in the mission for six months!!! Crazy, huh?! Yesterday I had EXACTLY a year left of my mission. I love the area I'm in right now; the ward is really strong, which is great members. This week my new companion and I have been trying to get in contact with the less active members in our ward. We got return calls for all of them!! Great, huh?! We dropped all but one of our investigators. Margaret was the only one that we could see improving even a little, and Margaret is a really great lady. I'm so glad I got to meet her.
Yesterday we tracted in this low-income apartment bldg/motel and we had this old man (who was inebriated) rant to us about soliciting him at his house. Then he told us God was a girl. He needs the gospel someday when he hasn't been drinking. It's kind of funny that I have been offered more alcohol as a missionary than EVER before. Satan is funny. In that same building though, we were able to place a BOM with a really nice man named Tim and set up two church tours, one with a German kid with a cool accent. Those are our miracles for the week. :)
It's been soooo hard to get miracles. Heavenly Father promises us them if we do what he asks, and I think my companion and I have been, but a sour attitude can get in the way. You know I decided that all the Christ-like attributes are so horribly intertwined that it can kind of hard to work on just one. If you have any suggestions on how to find hope and faith, let me know :)

Okay, love and miss you all!!!!!!!
-Love Sista Emily McRae